The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is an efficient gas detection instrument that can simultaneously detect the oxygen content and combustible gas concentration in the environment. Chidacho chimagwiritsa ntchito ukadaulo wa zircor ensor, yomwe ili ndi mawonekedwe a chidwi chachikulu, molondola kwambiri komanso kukhazikika kwabwino. It can monitor the gas concentration in real time and display the data in digital form, so that users can quickly understand the gas environment status.

The oxygen and combustible gas dual component analyzer is composed of multiple components, each of which has different functions and characteristics. Tiyeni tiphunzire za iwo palimodzi.
1. Sensor ndiye gawo la core poyesa kuchuluka kwa okgen ndi kuchuluka kwa mpweya. Kukula kwa oxygen, zirconia oxygen sensornthawi zambiri amagwiritsidwa ntchito, zomwe zimapanga zizindikilo zamagetsi zochokerapa mankhwala pakati pa okosijeni ndi electrodes. Muziyeso zophatikizira zamagesi, mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya masensa imatha kugwiritsidwa ntchito, monga magwiridwe antchito a calytic.
2. Kuwonetsa ndi gulu lolamulira. Chiwonetserocho chimakhala kutsogolo kwa chida ndipo chimagwiritsidwa ntchito posonyeza zotsatira zamiyeso ndi zina zoyenera. Panel yowongolera imakhala ndi mabatani osiyanasiyana ndi mfundo zopangira njira zogwirira ntchito ndikusintha magawo.
3. Top kapena pampu. Gawoli limagwiritsidwa ntchito kujambula mafuta kuti ayesedwe kuchokera ku chilengedwe kuti ayesedwe mu chida chowunika. Pampu kapena njira yotsatsira imatha kuonetsetsa kuti kayendedwe ka gasi kuti mupeze zotsatira zolondola.
4.. Njira zosungirako data ndi njira zoperekera chithandizo. These systems allow users to save measurement data internally or transmit it to external devices wirelessly or by wire for subsequent analysis and documentation .
Mwambiri, magawo osiyanasiyana aoxygen ndi mafuta ophatikizika Gwirani ntchito limodzi kuti mupereke zolondola komanso zodalirika za okoka. The instrument has the characteristics of fast response, high accuracy, easy to use and portability, and has broad application prospects in fields such as environmental monitoring, industrial safety and gas detection.
Post Nthawi: Mar-03-2025