plays a vital role as an important detection tool. Sizingangothandiza mabizinesi molondola amamvetsetsa kutentha kwa asidi wa acid. This article will introduce in detail the working principle of the acid dewlonera perchzer
is based on the condensation characteristics of sulfuric acid vapor in flue gas. Mukamawotcha mafuta okwera, gawo la sulufule dioxide (so2) lopangidwa pambuyo pa mitu ya salumpha (so3), ndipo3) The condensation temperature of sulfuric acid vapor in flue gas is called acid dew point, which is much higher than water dew point. The more SO3 (or sulfuric acid vapor) content in flue gas, the higher the acid dew point. The acid dew point in flue gas can reach 140~160℃, or even higher.
Imawonetsa zomwe zili mu mpweya wa mpweya wa flue ndi chiopsezo chomwe chingachitike chifukwa cha zida poyesa kutentha kwa acid dew mu mpweya wa mafuta. In practical applications, the acid dewlonera perchzerNthawi zambiri imakhala ndi kapangidwe ka chitsulo chosapanga dzimbiri zomwe zimakhazikitsidwa pa probe. Pali ma electrodes awiri pamwamba pa sensor kuti awone zosunga zilizonse. Kutentha kwa sensor pamtunda kumayendetsedwa ndi kuchuluka kwa mpweya wozizira. Pamene a Acid Dew Point adayikidwa mu mafuta anzeru komanso mpweya wozizira zimaperekedwa, kutentha kwa mawonekedwe a selur kumatulutsire filimu ya sulur amayamba kupanga ma syror galasi pamwamba. Pakadali pano, chida chimatsimikizira kuti kutentha kwa mame a asidi poyerekeza ndi kusintha kwa mawonekedwe a sensor.

M'magulu owunikira mpweya
Kuwunika ndi kupewa:
can also provide guidance for the optimization of the combustion process. Poyerekeza kutentha kwa acid ma acid mosiyanasiyana, mabizinesi amatha kusintha magawo ngati mawonekedwe a mafuta kuti achepetse mafuta a asidi, potero kuchepetsa kutentha kwa acid ndikuchepetsa chiopsezo chotupa. At the same time, this also helps to improve combustion efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
pafupipafupi kuonetsetsa kuti ndi kulondola kwake. At the same time, during the measurement process, pay attention to avoid interference factors such as smoke, high wind speed, etc., which may affect the measurement results.
Kukonza pafupipafupi:Nthawi zonse khalani ndi Dew acid pointzererzer, kuphatikiza kuyeretsa kafukufukuyo, kuyang'ana sensor, etc., kuonetsetsa kuti amagwira ntchito yayitali.
Acid dew point analyzers have broad application prospects in industrial flue gas monitoring. Poyesa kuwunika molondola a acid dew shogal, makampani amatha kumvetsetsa nthawi yake pachiwopsezo cha mpweya wambiri, ukani njira yolumikizira, ndikuonetsetsa kuti chilengedwe. Nthawi yomweyo, mukamagwiritsa ntchito dew dew, chidwi chiyenera kulipidwa kuti liziyeza kulondola, kusankha malo okhazikitsa malo, ndikukonza pafupipafupi. Amakhulupirira kuti popititsa patsogolo ntchito za ukadaulo komanso kufalikira kosalekeza kwa minda yofunsira,s
Post Nthawi: Mar-03-2025